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Photo Exhibit of Provincial Assembly 2015


In preparation for this year’s Provincial Assembly, a new exhibit is on display at the Province Center in Arlington Heights.  The photos showcase the activities from the assembly held last year in Bourbonnais — where the Viatorians began ministering in the United States 150 years ago.

Both St. George and Maternity BVM churches in Bourbonnais hosted the Viatorians with Mass, an associate commitment/re-commitment ceremony and a jubilarian celebration of religious life and priesthood.  Meetings, presentations and discussions on the topic of ‘discipleship’ were held in the hotel conference rooms.

Group photos of Viatorians that attended from the three regions — Arlington Heights-Chicago, Bourbonnais-Kankakee and Henderson-Las Vegas — are also on display.

This year’s Provincial Assembly will be held in Arlington Heights from Jun. 21-23.